Let’s Unpack

Our Approach

To Better Understand Why We Do What We Do

Why We Aid

local Heros

Local heroes are the unsung champions who work tirelessly to uplift their communities, often without recognition or resources. Dharma International is committed to aiding these heroes because we recognize their invaluable contribution to societal well-being. Here’s why we support local heroes:

Recognizing Grassroots Efforts

Local heroes operate at the grassroots level, where their efforts have a direct and immediate impact.

Building Resilient Communities

Local heroes play a crucial role in building resilient communities.

Promoting Inclusive Development

By aiding local heroes, we promote inclusive development that leaves no one behind.

Why We Invest In

Social Entrepreneurs

At Dharma International, we believe that social entrepreneurs are the catalysts for change in their communities. These visionary individuals identify pressing social issues and devise innovative solutions to address them, often with limited resources. Here’s why we prioritize investing in social entrepreneurs:

Social entrepreneurs focus on sustainable solutions that create long-term benefits for their communities. By addressing the root causes of issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education, they build systems that are resilient and self-sustaining.

Local entrepreneurs have an intrinsic understanding of the challenges their communities face. Their proximity to the issues allows them to develop culturally sensitive and contextually relevant solutions that can be more effective than externally imposed interventions.

By supporting social entrepreneurs, we help stimulate local economies. These entrepreneurs create jobs, boost local industries, and contribute to economic self-sufficiency, which can reduce dependency on external aid and foster a cycle of growth and development.

Social entrepreneurs inspire others in their communities to take action. Their success stories demonstrate that change is possible, encouraging more individuals to get involved, innovate, and work towards a better future.

Donate to Dharma

Together, we can tackle the most pressing issues of our time and build a brighter future for all.


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